Sunday, May 29, 2011

Happy Memorial Day to our American Allies!

Time finds us once again standing with our allies the USA in a war against evil. For 8 years now in Afghanistan longer than any war in our history.We salute your brave soldiers and as a former Army man I cannot figure why they lack the support of the people that they deserve. The people must feel that security is vital at home and abroad,which it appears they dont.I blame the media for a lot of this as they second guess the leadership of the country,now and the previous administration. America is not a country that steals wealth from other countries,if they did the Iraq war would have given them a trillion dollars in oil compensation.Maybe it is time to love the mission,not just the soldiers.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Israeli Prime Minister will not give in.

We believe that if Israel gives one inch to Hamas and Hezbollah without some firm safeguards and assurance that the destruction of Israel will happen and as civilized people we cannot tolerate. In 19478 the Palestinians could have stayed and become part of Israel but they chose to destroy the new country and then lived in camps for 60 years.The Arab countries .told the Palestinians to leave and they didnt give them anywhere to go.That is the shame of all the neighbouring countries

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Once again President Obama slaps the real friends of America!

I cannot believe how this man insults his country's friends and give aid and comfort to people who want to destroy his country.In a short period of 3 years he has insulted Britain,Canada,Australia,alienated Germany,France
and done everything he can, short of firing the rockets himself to destroy the last hope and cornerstone of freedom,Israel.When Israel falls as 1 billion fanatical people want it to,no one will be able to go to Jerusalem's Christian sites.Tell him to honor Americas guarantees of safety for Israel and protection of the Arabs,who do not want its survival.
If you pray pray for peace.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Do we sacrifice liberty for security,or security for liberty?

There is no question,I do not believe that government employees and madarins will put the people before the collective of socialism.I have lived
in Canada where a communist was prime minister for several years and we were sold socialism as the future.It doesnt work and America should be looking at our past and hoping government healthcare will save them when it will send grandma to die. No matter how many Americans I tell about it,no one believes that their government wants them to die or that we have death panels. There is no security but your belief in yourself and your refusal to take other peoples money until your back is to the wall.Americans get back to being the people you changed the world with

Another Day to give thanks!

We awaken this day in the hope that we all will see that we are our brothers keeper,not the government.We will care for our neighbor and they will care for their neighbor. Someday soon we will all realize that we cannot take out more than we have put in and that our nation is bankrupt.We must stop the insanity and take care of our neighbor and God will smile on us once again.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Blessed art thou O Lord,God of All!

As a former army officer of the 60's I have watched as my ancestoral home
the USA continues to be attacked from outside and within. It makes me wonder why Americans hate themselves so much.As a Canadian I know why the rest of the world hates the pious self loving Americans who seem to think that everything about America is wonderful. Dont get me wrong I Love America and the goodness that it has the potential to share. we thank the Lord for seeing the end of the tool of Satan Usama Bin Ladin.